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Custom Methods

On this page, you'll learn how to add custom methods to the builder type 💪.

This page assumes you've read the previous Builder's Type Signature page. If you haven't already, please do.

State and IsUnset Traits

When a builder transitions from one type state to another, the compiler must ensure the transition is valid. For example, once a setter is called, calling it again must not be possible.

The generated builder's state module contains a trait called IsUnset, which is used to restrict the possible typestates when calling a setter.

There is also a trait called State, that stores the type states for every member of the builder in its associated types.

Enough talking, let's see how it works in practice.

use bon::Builder;

struct Example {
    x1: u32,

This code generates the following setters:

// Import traits and type states from the generated module
use example_builder::{State, IsUnset, SetX1};

impl<S: State> ExampleBuilder<S> {
    fn x1(self, value: u32) -> ExampleBuilder<SetX1<S>>
        S::X1: IsUnset
    { /**/ }

The main thing here is where S::X1: IsUnset. This where bound allows only the typestates that don't contain SetX1<...> anywhere in the layers of state transitions. In this case, only Empty typestate implements S::X1: IsUnset.

If we were to have other members, their Set{OtherMember}<S> transitions would also implement S::X1: IsUnset unless the underlying S contains a SetX1 somewhere in it.

Custom Setters

Now that you know the State and IsUnset traits you can write a custom impl block for the builder that defines custom setters.

use bon::Builder;

struct Example {
    // Make the default generated setter private, and rename
    // it so it doesn't collide with our custom method name
    #[builder(setters(vis = "", name = x1_internal))]
    x1: u32

use example_builder::{IsUnset, State, SetX1};

impl<S: State> ExampleBuilder<S> {
    fn x1(self, value: u32) -> ExampleBuilder<SetX1<S>>
        S::X1: IsUnset,
        self.x1_internal(value * 2)

let value = Example::builder()

assert_eq!(value.x1, 6);

This is a simple example of how you can write a custom setter.

You could achieve the same with a Custom Conversion via #[builder(with)]. However, the beauty of this design is that the impl block has no magic macros involved. It's rather simple and easy to read.

Also, with this approach, you can make the setter unsafe, async or even let it set several members.

Set Several Members In One Setter

I recommend you try doing this yourself to test your intuition of the typestate API.

The goal is to make the following work:

use bon::Builder;

struct Example {
    x1: u32,
    x2: u32,

let value = Example::builder()
    .x1_and_x2(1, 2)

assert_eq!(value.x1, 1);
assert_eq!(value.x2, 2);
Expand to see the solution 👀
use bon::Builder;

struct Example {
    #[builder(setters(vis = ""))] 
    x1: u32,                      

    #[builder(setters(vis = ""))] 
    x2: u32,                      

use example_builder::{State, IsUnset, SetX1, SetX2};                        
impl<S: State> ExampleBuilder<S> {                                          
    fn x1_and_x2(self, x1: u32, x2: u32) -> ExampleBuilder<SetX2<SetX1<S>>> 
        S::X1: IsUnset,                                                     
        S::X2: IsUnset,                                                     

let value = Example::builder()
    .x1_and_x2(1, 2)

assert_eq!(value.x1, 1);
assert_eq!(value.x2, 2);

Pay attention that the type state in the return type of the setter is SetX2<SetX1<S>>. If you mess it up, the compiler error will help you by showing the exact type of the typestate.

For example, when first writing this solution I mistakenly wrote SetX2<SetX1>, and the compiler was helpful enough to correct me:

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `ExampleBuilder<SetX2<SetX1>>`,
                      found `ExampleBuilder<SetX2<SetX1<S>>>`

IsSet Trait

There is a counterpart to the IsUnset trait called IsSet. Ideally, we'd use negative trait impls and have !IsSet syntax, but this language feature is not stable yet. Therefore, IsSet and IsUnset are two separate traits, and they are implemented for mutually exclusive type states.

By the name of the IsSet trait, you've already probably figured out that it is implemented for type states where a particular member was set. This is useful for trait bounds on the finishing function. It must be callable only when all required members are set.

Let's see how it could work in practice before we discuss the IsComplete trait.

use bon::Builder;

struct Example {
    x1: u32,
    x2: Option<u32>,

This code could generate the following finishing function:

use example_builder::{State, IsSet};

impl<S: State> ExampleBuilder<S> {
    fn build(self) -> Example
        S::X1: IsSet,
    { /**/ }

Notice how the build method requires only x1 to be set. It doesn't care if x2 was set or not, because x2 is optional.

This where S::X1: IsSet is the core pillar of type safety. This way, the build() method knows it is always called with x1 set and it doesn't have to do runtime validations: no Result, no panic!().

IsComplete Trait

The problem with the approach described higher that uses only the IsSet trait is that the number of bounds in the where clause of the finishing function grows with the number of required members.

Why is this a problem? Imagine you'd want to write a function, that accepts a closure that takes and returns a builder with all required members filled.

use bon::Builder;

struct ExampleParams {
    x1: u32,
    x2: u32,
    x3: Option<u32>,

// Our goal is to have this API
example(|builder| builder.x1(1).x2(2));

// Below is how we could achieve this

// Import traits from the generated module
use example_params_builder::{State, IsSet};

fn example<S>(f: impl FnOnce(ExampleParamsBuilder) -> ExampleParamsBuilder<S>)
    S: State,
    S::X1: IsSet, 
    S::X2: IsSet, 
    let builder = f(ExampleParams::builder());
    let params =;

This doesn't scale well, because you need to write S::{Member}: IsSet for every required member. So, where bounds here are coupled with the number of required members and their names.

You can simplify this code by using the trait IsComplete. This trait is defined literally like this in the generated code:

trait IsComplete: State {}

impl<S: State> IsComplete for S
    S::X1: IsSet,
    S::X2: IsSet,

Thus, instead of writing S::{Member}: IsSet you can write a single bound S: IsComplete:

fn example<S>(/**/)
    S: State,     
    S::X1: IsSet, 
    S::X2: IsSet, 
    S: IsComplete

Implied Bounds

Rust 1.79.0 added associated trait bounds syntax, which can be used to make bounds on generic associated types implied.

This feature is useful for the trait IsComplete. If you enable the implied-bounds cargo feature, builder macros use the new syntax for bounds in associated type position, which enables implied IsSet bounds for the type state of required members.

The definition of the trait IsComplete changes like this:

trait IsComplete: State {} 
trait IsComplete: State<X1: IsSet, X2: IsSet> {} 

To understand how this is useful consider the following example:

struct Example {
    x1: u32,
    x2: Option<u32>,

use example_builder::{IsUnset, IsComplete};

impl<State: example_builder::State> ExampleBuilder<State> {
    fn build_with_default_x2(self) -> Example
        State: IsComplete,
        State::X2: IsUnset,

This code wouldn't compile without the implied-bounds cargo feature enabled. Without it, State: IsComplete doesn't automatically imply State::X1: IsSet, so the builder type state returned after self.x2() doesn't imply that the member x1 is set, and thus build() can't be called.

This is implemented as a cargo feature to make sure bon maintains a lower MSRV by default. If you need this, then enable this in your Cargo.toml, but beware that it increases your MSRV to 1.79.0:

bon = { version = "3.5", features = ["implied-bounds"] }