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Derives for Builders

You can specify some extra derives on the generated builder struct itself via the top-level #[builder(derive(...))] attribute.

For example, if you want to inspect the values set in the builder for debugging purposes, you can derive the Debug trait for your builder.

use bon::builder;

fn example(
    name: String,
    is_admin: bool,
    level: Option<u32>,
) {}

let builder = example().name("Bon".to_owned());

// This will output the current state of the builder to `stderr`

// You can also format the debug output to `String`:
    // Only the fields that were set will be output
    r#"ExampleBuilder { name: "Bon" }"#

// Finish building

You can also derive the Clone and Into traits for your builder using this same attribute. See more details in the reference for the #[builder(derive(...))] attribute.