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Any contributions are welcome!

Before you start working on a code contribution make sure it will be accepted. If your change introduces new behaviour like a new macro attribute or some new syntax, then you should probably open an issue that describes your change first. We'll let you know if we'll accept a pull request for the change suggested in that issue.

However, even though desirable, creating an issue before making a pull request is optional. Just make sure your change is really straightforward and doesn't require any discussions.


This repository is a regular cargo workspace. Just fork it and do the usual cargo business.

Additionally, an init script is provided: ./scripts/ This will install required dependencies and set up the git pre-commit hook that will perform code formatting and some lightweight linting that would otherwise be performed on CI anyway.


Test your changes with cargo test. You may add new tests to the bon/tests/integration folder.

If you want to validate that the macro generates a good compile error or warning, then extend the trybuild tests in bon/tests/ui/compile_fail.


Make sure the documentation reflects your change. Add or update the docs in the following places:

  • Doc comments on pub items of the crate.
  • Docs in the website folder. Markdown files that live in this folder automatically turn into HTML pages of this website during release.

Pull Request

Once you are ready, commit your code changes and create a pull request into the master branch.

We use squash-and-merge to land pull requests into master. We don't enforce the format of the commit messages and PR descriptions.


We'll release your change soon after it lands in master, or later as part of a bigger release. It depends on the kind of change you made and the state of the code in master at that specific moment in time. Anyway, we'll tell you in PR comments when we plan to release it.


Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.