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Into conversions

Problem statement

It's often annoying to have to do a type conversion manually when passing a value to a setter. For example, suppose you have a function that accepts a String. You want to pass a string slice such as "Bon" to that function. However, to do that you need to explicitly call "Bon".to_owned() or "Bon".to_string() to do a &str -> String conversion at the call site. This is inconvenient for APIs that are often invoked with hardcoded string values.


struct User {
    name: String,

impl User {
    fn new(name: String) -> Self {
        Self { name }

let user = User::new("Bon".to_owned());

That .to_owned() call is just boilerplate that we'd like to avoid. A common workaround for this problem is to let the function accept impl Into<String>.

struct User {
    name: String,

impl User {
    fn new(name: String) -> Self {  
        Self { name }               
    fn new(name: impl Into<String>) -> Self {  
        Self { name: name.into() }             

let user = User::new("Bon".to_owned()); 
let user = User::new("Bon");            

This makes it possible for the caller to pass a &str. However, the signature of the function becomes a bit more complex and an into() conversion has to be invoked inside of the function implementation manually. So this approach just shifts the boilerplate from the caller to the callee.

How bon solves this problem

The #[builder] macro automatically adds impl Into in the setter methods and invokes the into() conversion internally.


use bon::bon;

struct User {
    name: String,

impl User {
    fn new(name: String) -> Self { 
        Self { name }

let user = User::builder()
This also works when #[builder] is placed on top of a free function or a struct.


use bon::builder;

struct User {
    name: String

let user = User::builder()
use bon::builder;

fn accept_string(
    name: String
) {}

let user = accept_string()

We didn't need to add any more attributes for bon to figure out that the setter for name needs to accept impl Into<String>. We also didn't change the signature of new(), so it still accepts a String. This is because bon automatically performs an into() conversion inside of the name() setter method.

Types that qualify for an automatic Into conversion

An automatic Into conversion in setter methods applies only to types that are represented by a simple path (e.g. crate::foo::Bar) or a simple identifier (e.g. Bar, String) with the exception of primitive types.

The following list describes the types that don't qualify for an automatic Into conversion with the explanation of the reason.

  1. Primitive types

    Unsigned integersSigned integersFloatsOther
    u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 usizei8 i16 i32 i64 i128 isizef32 f64bool char
    Primitive types aren't qualified for an automatic Into conversion for several reasons

    First, it's because impl Into breaks type inference for numeric literal values. For example, the following code doesn't compile.

    fn half(x: impl Into<u32>) -> u32 {
        x.into() / 2

    The compile error is the following (Rust playground link):

          ---- ^^ the trait `std::convert::From<i32>` is not implemented for `u32`,
          |       which is required by `{integer}: std::convert::Into<u32>`
          required by a bound introduced by this call

    The reason for this error is that rustc can't infer the type for the number literal 10, because it could be one of the following types: u8, u16, u32, which all implement Into<u32>. There isn't a suffix like 10_u16 in this code to tell the compiler the type of the number literal 10. When compiler can't infer the type of a numeric literal if falls back to assigning the type i32 for an integer literal and f64 for a floating point literal. In this case i32 is inferred, which isn't convertible to u32.

    Requiring an explicit type suffix in numeric literals would be the opposite of what bon tries to achieve with its focus on great ergonomics.

    The second reason is that it's just conventional not to use impl Into for primitive types in Rust. There aren't many types that implement Into<bool> or Into<char>, for example. It also keeps simple things (primitive values) simple in the method signatures of the generated builder. Hints in IDE become easier to read.

  2. impl Trait in function parameter types

    The reason is that it leads to unnecessarily nested generics that may block type inference.


    use bon::builder;
    fn greet(name: impl Into<String>) {
        let name = name.into();
        println!("Hello {name}")

    In this case the name parameter already uses an explicit Into conversion. There is no need for bon to add an impl Into<impl Into<String>> conversion on top of that because it would complicate type inference for rustc.

    The compiler would need to infer two generic types in this case for each of the impl Into, which it may not always do automatically and it would require providing type hints manually. That would break ergonomics promised by bon.

  3. Generic types from the function signature, surrounding impl block or struct's declaration.

    The reason is similar to the previous item.


    use bon::builder;
    fn greet<T: Into<String>>(name: T) {
        let mut name = name.into();
        println!("Hello {name}")

    bon avoids a nested impl Into<T> where T: Into<String> to prevent type inference from stalling.

  4. Tuples, arrays, references, function pointers and other type expressions.

    Examples: &str, &mut String, [u8; 10], (u32, u32), &dyn Trait.

    The reason is that analysis of complex type expressions is also complex.

    The goal of the automatic Into conversions is to spare the caller from converting the types at the call site if an Into conversion exists. There aren't many types that implement Into conversions to complex type expressions involving references, tuples, arrays, function pointers etc.

    Anyhow, there is likely a subset of simple type expressions for which bon may provide an automatic Into conversion. If you have a use case that needs such conversions to be automatic, you may override the default behavior and consider to open an issue.

Override the default behavior

Suppose automatic Into conversion qualification rules don't satisfy your use case. For example, you want the setter method to accept an Into<(u32, u32)> then you can use an explicit #[builder(into)] to override the default behavior.

Use #[builder(into = false)] if you want to disable the automatic into conversion.

See this attribute's docs for details.