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getter ​

Applies to: struct fields function arguments method arguments

Generates a getter method for a member. The method is callable only after the value for the member is set using any of its setters.

This attribute has some planned future extensions described in the tracking issue #225. Any feedback is appreciated!

The getter for a required member returns &T by default (can be overridden).

use bon::Builder;

struct Example {
    x: u32,

let builder = Example::builder().x(1);

let x: &u32 = builder.get_x(); 

assert_eq!(*x, 1);
use bon::builder;

fn example(
    x: u32,
) {}

let builder = example().x(1);

let x: &u32 = builder.get_x(); 

assert_eq!(*x, 1);
use bon::bon;

struct Example;

impl Example {
    fn example(
        x: u32,
    ) {}

let builder = Example::example().x(1);

let x: &u32 = builder.get_x(); 

assert_eq!(*x, 1);

The getter for an optional member returns Option<&T> by default (can be overridden).

use bon::Builder;

struct Example {
    x1: Option<u32>,

    // Getters for `default` members are the same
    // as for members of type `Option<T>`
    #[builder(getter, default = 99)]              
    x2: u32,

let builder = Example::builder().x1(1).x2(2);

let x1: Option<&u32> = builder.get_x1(); 
let x2: Option<&u32> = builder.get_x2(); 

assert_eq!(x1, Some(&1));
assert_eq!(x2, Some(&2));


The getter for the member with #[builder(default)] returns Option<&T> because the default value is never stored in the builder. It's calculated lazily in the finishing function.

Config ​

You can override the return type of the getter, its name, visibility, and docs.

        // Return `T` via `Copy`

        // Return `T` via `Clone`

        // Return `&<T as Deref>::Target`.

        // Return the type specified in parens.
        // There must exist a deref coercion to the specified type.
        // Don't specify the leading `&` here.

        name = custom_name,
        vis = "pub(crate)",
        doc {
            /// Custom docs

Overriding the return type ​

Here is an example of different return type configurations and what they generate.

use bon::Builder;
use std::rc::Rc;

struct Example {
    // Generates `get_x1(&self) -> u32`
    x1: u32,

    // Generates `get_x2(&self) -> String`
    x2: String,

    // Generates `get_x3(&self) -> &str`
    x3: String,

    // Generates `get_x4(&self) -> &str`
    x4: Rc<String>,

name ​

The default name for getter is get_{member}.

vis ​

The visibility must be enclosed with quotes. Use "" or "pub(self)" for private visibility.

The default visibility is the same as the visibility of the builder_type, which in turn, defaults to the visibility of the underlying struct or fn.

doc ​

Simple documentation is generated by default. The syntax of this attribute expects a block with doc comments.

doc {
    /// Doc comments